Carpe Septem Dies

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 28: Business Week

Hello, friends! Welcome to week 28, but before I get into that, I'll recap last week. Now, I didn't blog as much as I wanted to last week, but that's ok. Even though I didn't post everyday, I took last week to process through the changes that are happening in my life right now, and I must say that doing that has made all of it so much easier. I had a wonderful few days processing through things on my own, with friends, with God....I know that any time I start to freak out about not having a job, living with my parents, running out of money- I just need to stop and re-focus. God is faithful and provides. He has done just that my whole life. Why would I think it would be different now? Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement in this transition. I have felt the power of those prayers, and I am so grateful!

This week is Business Week. I've been thinking about opening a store on Etsy. If you haven't been to the website, check it out. Basically, it's a site you can go to and find awesome, homemade gifts. I love the website, and I've purchased quite a few gifts from there for friends. The last couple months or so, I've been looking through the site and found myself thinking, "Wow. That's super easy to make. I could totally make that!" So I've decided to open my own store, make a bunch of handmade gifts (which I love doing anyway), and sell them so that I can make a little extra money and people all over can enjoy them! I'm actually really excited about this, and I have friends who are interesting in helping so this is going to be a lot of fun.

This week, I plan on looking into how to open a store. I also need to come up with a name for my store, which will probably be the toughest thing for me, and I am going to start building up my inventory. I'm planning on making journals, picture frames, ornaments, gift boxes, buttons, etc. Then I will need to come up with some prices. As I make stuff, I will post up pictures and you guys can give me your feedback. How does that sound?


  1. Sweet! i have an Etsy account. i have yet to use it. haha

  2. I have recently experimented (still experimenting) with this sort of thing for Ad Liberation. We opened up a Cafe Press to sell merch and hopefully make a little extra cash. It's not totally hooked to money yet so hopefully that happens soon. Good luck!

  3. I am so excited for you! I have been wanting open an Etsy shop for awhile, but all I can really do is embroidery & baking :P Good luck & if you need any help with any of it, let me know! I'll ask Ryan to start thinking about shop names : )
