Carpe Septem Dies

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 41, Part 2: More Extreme Couponing

So....I need more time to devote to this couponing. I have talked to a few of you, and I know that you are excited about this week because you also want to learn how to do it. I've decided to focus more on that this week because it kind of takes some time to start off. Here's what I've found so far thanks to my lovely friend Jen who I talked about in the last blog. She's great at this and has a lot of practice with couponing. Here's what she's told me:

1. Go to this website called The Frugal Girls. It's a great website that will show you coupons to use, freebies, different deals, different stores coupon policies (some stores will double coupons on a certain day of the week), crafts, recipes, different party ideas, etc. It's an awesome website and helps lead you through couponing. Go and check it out.

2. Jen told me to get a binder and some of those baseball card holders to put in the binder. She has this binder where she puts all of her coupons in order by category. For example: "frozen foods," "personal hygiene," "breakfast," etc. So when she's collecting her coupons, she'll find the category and put it in the binder. Carry the binder with you to the grocery store that way if you see a good deal, you can pull a coupon and make it even better!

3. Also, check out this book called "Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey." I found another blog that does a review, and you can check it out here. There's also a link on that page where you can order the book from Amazon. Basically, it's a book that talks about different couponing techniques. I'm waiting for my book in the mail!

4. Also, you can go to Facebook and "like"the page "Frugal Living and Having Fun!" They will show you different coupons and great deals. Click here to head to that group.

5. I'm starting my collection of coupons by printing them off the Internet (go to that Frugal Girls website for starters) and cutting them out of the paper (you can pick up a Sunday paper that has all the coupons on Saturday evening).

That's it for today, but I'll keep you posted on whatever else I find!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week 41: A Week of Extreme Couponing

Hey, everyone! Welcome to a Week of Extreme Couponing! I am excited about this week, but I honestly have no idea where to start. I have seen Extreme Couponing before, and I am always AMAZED at how much money people can save, but they are also buying bulk. With me living by myself, not sure how this will work, but I am dedicated to trying to figure it out. Money is tight like usual, so if I can figure something out and save money on groceries and other random items, I am totally for it!

Here's my plan of action:
1. Do research online about couponing. A lot of it.
2. Talk with my friend Jen, who is a couponing Queen. Seriously, she will call me and tell me that she bought $100 worth of stuff for like $8. She's a genius, so I'm hoping she can lead me in the right direction.

That's pretty much all I have for now. As I research and find stuff out, I'll share it with you guys this week. My goal: to be an Extreme Couponing Queen!

Here's where I'm starting, so feel free to check out the TLC "Extreme Couponing" website with me! And like always, if you have some insights on this week's goal, then please send them my way!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Brief Intermission

Hello, friends! I have obviously not posted in about a week and a half. It seems as if time as flown and stood still at the same time. Weird, I know. I hope you all are doing well and enjoying summer. I here it's been crazy hot back home in Chicago, but the temp here in MA has been quite nice. I've been loving it!

So since it's already Wednesday night, I'm not going to start a goal for this week- especially since I'm excited for my next goal (sneak peak: A Week of Extreme Couponing). I've decided instead to do a brief intermission post. I feel like it's coming at a great time because I want to share with you some things that have been happening in my life that are not necessarily related extreme couponing or some of the other goals that are coming up. I have been extremely blessed in the last week or so for multiple reasons which I am about to tell you. If you've been keeping up with this blog, you know that God and faith is a huge part of my life, and so I look at these blessings as coming from God. Now, I know that God loves me. It's something I know like I know that 2 + 2= 4 (or 5 if you've read 1984 by George Orwell). Don't get me wrong- I've definitely felt God's love before, but sometimes I don't. That absolutely doesn't mean that He doesn't love me. Any way, back to the point. This past week, God has been showing me very clearly that He is an intentional God and a loving God. Here are some examples:

  1. I believe it was last Thursday, I tweeted the author of the study I have been going through saying that the next day was my last day and that I'd be starting his next book. I told him that the study was life changing (see Week 27: A Week to Die). Honestly, I didn't think anything of the tweet. At the very most I thought he might see it and be blessed knowing that God was working through him like crazy. A few hours later, I get a direct message from him with his number and he said to give him a call. I did, and I ended up be encouraged by him for finishing the fast and the book. Then before we ended the conversation he asks if he can pray for me. How amazing is that? For real. Even know as I write this, tears come to my eyes because that was such a HUGE blessing for me. HUGE. Then a couple days later I start his new book, Glory Revealed, and the first chapter is about how God's glory is revealed through quieting love- those moments where you just feel completely loved and cared for by God, your Father. He says something about thinking of a time when you were just left speechless because of something that happened that screamed God's love for you. How ironic is it that the moment for me would be when the author writing this prayed for me and encouraged me? Gosh, what an amazing God I serve.

  2. I come into work a few days ago, when a co-worker approaches me with a card of encouragement and $50 worth of Walmart gift cards. She makes me promise that I won't spend on anything but myself. Little did she know, I've been extremely short on money. Again, how amazing?

  3. On 4th of July, I went with some friends from church to Boston to hear the Boston Pops and see the fireworks. This is a HUGE event with tons of people. It was such a cool experience. On the way to find a spot to camp out on as we waited for all the festivities, I fell. I kind of tripped off a curb and fell rolling my ankle. Not good. I kind up and continued walking, but with a limp. As the day progresses, my ankle swells and becomes more painful. I am now limping a lot and walking slow. I ask my friends to pray over my foot, and so in the middle of this event, we all pray. At the end of the night as we're walking back to the train to get home, I just wanted to cry. Why? Because a hurt ankle meant that I wouldn't be able to train for my 5K and workout like I have consistently been doing. That was actually the first thought that entered my mind after falling. But every time fear or doubt entered my mind, I brushed it off and trusted that God has it under control and that I would wake up and be able to work out. Let me tell you friends, it wasn't looking too good. But guess what. I woke up the next morning and praise God, my ankle was fine. It was sore, but I was able to do the elliptical that day AND today I ran. Amazing.

  4. Yesterday, I get in my car and head to the store to get some stuff for a program starting up this week at work. I've been having a hard time with my car since I've gotten here. I have been putting quite a bit of money into it, and it's been a bit frustrating. I get what I need from the grocery store, and as I'm coming out, I here a man ask another guy for jumper cables, but that guy doesn't have any. As I'm walking back to my car, I know that I have jumper cables in my trunk but the selfish part of me doesn't want to help the guy. But I help anyway. I head over to the guy and we hook the cables up. As I'm sitting in my car waiting for the guy's car to start, my car starts overheating. Great. So I head down the street back to work, and in the 90 degree weather, bring big jugs of water out to my car to fill it. I go to pull the lever that opens my hood, then go to pull on the hood and it doesn't open. I do this about 3 or 4 more times and start to get frustrated and just want to cry. It had been a rough day, I was home sick, etc. I remember saying to God, "God, please. Can't something just be easy for once?" Ridiculous, right? After all that God has been doing. All of a sudden as I pray those words, a guy walks up to me and says, "Do you need a hand?" I have no idea where he came from. I say "yes," and he says, "You pull the lever and I'll lift the hood." We do this and the hood opens right away. I thank him, and he walks away. I filled my car while praising God for helping me.

I am so blessed. Oh my goodness, it just astounds me how God has been going above and beyond to show me He loves me and is taking for me. When I think I'm alone, He shows me He's right there with me. When I'm feeling discouraged, He shows me that He's proud of me.

I share all of these happenings with you for a couple reasons. First, this is my life. This is what God is doing, and I just want to share that. Also, the same God who showers His love on me, loves you too. AND there are things He does to show His love for you, but you may be missing it or passing it off as a random happening, a coincidence when actually it's God wanting to draw you close to Himself. I don't really know what more to say other than God is good, and I'm so unbelievably loved.

I will post again on Sunday. Be watching for Week 41: A Week of Extreme Couponing!