Week 23: Comic Book Week
Welcome to Comic Book week everyone! I think it's funny because when I tell people that I like to read comic books, they are always so surprised. Yes, I am a dork, people. Love it or leave it : ) I believe it was early in my college years that I developed a love for comics after my wonderful friend, Mike Dodaro, introduced me to them. I started reading Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spiderman, both Marvel comics. Soon I was reading Flight (a graphic novel that's pretty awesome), The Runaways (my favorite), Maus (awesome especially for history buffs), Bone (also a favorite), Captain America, and more. I was also able to start a comic book frenzy in the Blue Island area a couple years back, and people from my church started to love comic books. It's an epidemic, really. So, basically this week I am reading comic books-any comics, so if you have a suggestion then send it my way! I'm excited
for this week because while I love to read comics, I very rarely read them anymore. I'm hoping that this week will kind of jump start that love I have for reading them so that I continue to keep up with it! Yesterday, to start off Comic Book Week, I began reading Spider-man: Torment. My good friends Ryan and Kaitlyn gave it to me as a Christmas present, and I'm excited to read it. This week I will keep you posted on what I'm reading! I know that a couple of you who read this blog love to read comics, so please join me! And for those of you who have never read a comic, you should at least try it! Happy reading, everyone!
Y The Last Man is a great comic series to start.