Carpe Septem Dies

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week 44, Day 3

Today I received a beautiful card from Mom and Dad. It was a birthday card and said:

"I see a young lady out in the world, following her dreams, doing good, and making a difference. Then I think, "Hey, that's my kid. That's my pride and joy." Happy Birthday to a daughter who's so inspiring. And loved."

Of course I cried. No surprise there. I can't take a week to remember events in life that have shaped who I am as I turn 25 years old, without remembering my parents. My parents have shaped who I am today. God blessed me with an amazing mom and dad...seriously, it doesn't get much better than this. Now, I'm not saying there hasn't been disagreements or conflict or very different opinions on things. There has been. What I AM saying is that through all of it, I have always felt supported, always felt encouraged, always felt loved. I am a bit of a free spirit, I go where God leads no matter what that costs, and it has cost a lot at times. My family has probably thought that I'm crazy multiple times, and they would be right. I know that I am : ) But my parents have always let me go where I needed to go, even when it meant me not being physically around, which I know is so hard. Being obedient to God, has not only been a sacrifice for me, but for my parents, sisters, aunts and uncles as well. And while I know it's hard for them, they continue to support me. Gosh, what a blessing.

When I think about who I am as I turn a quarter of a century old, I know that I am a perfect mix of my parents. I have my mom's empathy, her compassion, her intuition, her love for people, her hard working/dedicated nature...and I know she's reading this thinking that I'm giving her way too much credit and that she's really not that great- I also got that from her. Mom, you are that great. Believe me!

Then there's Dad. This story will tell you a bit about him. One night, my friend Kaitlyn (Kait-I hope you're reading this) and I were watching the movie "Resident Evil" in my basement. All of a sudden my dad pops through the downstairs window, right where we were sitting and scared the crap out of both of us- almost literally. I have my Dad's sense of humor, his sense of adventure, love of practical jokes, his desire to work hard, his protective nature, his wisdom, and his love for people. Not to mention, I see pictures of when I was a child, and I look A LOT like my dad. Now that I've grown up, I think I look more like Mom.

Both of my parents would bend over backwards for just about anybody. They are two of the greatest people in the world (I'm so not biased at all).

So ladies and gentleman, the Amanda Keene you know today is a product of Mom and Dad's love and care (led by God) throughout these 25 years. I personally think they did a mighty fine job, don't you?

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