Carpe Septem Dies

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 19, Day 7

I can't believe the holiday is over! It flew by! This break was good for me. I spent my time at my family's house in Indiana. I was able to catch up with my friends from high school, which is always a lot of fun. I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving as well! Here are some things that I'm grateful for:

1. My friends from high school: The other day, my roommate said something about how it was really awesome that I still kept in touch with my friends from high school. Then, I really stopped to think about it, and I guess that's not an extremely common thing. I honestly can't imagine not keeping in touch with these friends. The thing is, we've been through a lot together. Some ups and downs- really low downs. Yet, we've become even closer through those times. My family's home in Indiana has become a reunion center for us. My mom knows that when I come home, my friends will end up at home probably attempting to play Mafia and other crazy fun games. Melanie, Mike, Stephanie, Liz, Joe, Rachel, Anita, Scott, Kate, The Neths, Ryan, Kaitlyn, Emily, Megan, Everett....and the list goes on. We've seen some of the worst and the best, we've been there through some major life changes, and we love each other like family. I am truly blessed by this family.

2. My church family: A little over 3 years ago, I started to attend The Salvation Army in Mt. Greenwood thanks to my wonderful friend Linda. Immediately, I loved the people, the church's mission, and got involved with the youth group. At this church, I met friends that I will have for a lifetime. My pastors and their children are like family to me. They opened their home and hearts to me. Jen is one of my best friends- we get each other, she is a big support in my life, we love the same things, people consistently ask if we are sisters....I love her a lot. My other pastor, Josh, has a heart of gold. I have NEVER seen him turn someone way without help. Never. Now, we are in Blue Island, and God has been doing amazing things. The church members are also like family to me. My friend Ryan who always supports me, challenges me to see things differently, doesn't judge me even though I can be crazy at times, holds me accountable. My friend and roommate Rebecca who helps me to see things in a different perspective, supports me, understands me. I am blessed to be part of the prayer ministry team with three other amazing women- Martha, Nancy, and Abby. We meet to pray for the church and its members, and we also confess to one another and pray for one another. We've had our ups and downs together, but it is clear that God is working in and through us.

3. My Trinity Gals: First, I am so blessed to have received such an awesome education at I college that I loved. Trinity will always hold a special place in my heart as well as Colleen, Anita, Danielle, and Linda. You probably couldn't find 5 girls that are more different than the 5 of us, yet somehow it works beautifully. The 5 of us went through college together, laughed, cried, did stupid things, and silly crushes on guys, gave these guys code names (don't judge us), had random dance parties, ate peppermint by the handfuls to help us concentrate, told each other things that we'd never before said out loud, forgave each other when we hurt one we are all over the place: Alaska, Dominica, Blue Island, Chicago area. Yet, when we all get together, it's like nothing had changed. I'm so grateful for these friends, these sisters.

4. My home: I am SO blessed to have a roof over my head. I am blessed to have such wonderful land lords. I am blessed to have such wonderful roommates: Rebecca and Amber. God has blessed us with a home where we can invite people over for dinner, play Settlers of Catan for hours, have dance parties, watch movies, bake Amber's infamous peanut butter cookies, have heat to keep us warm, a bed to sleep in...There's so many people who do not have this. God, I'm so sorry for the times I've taken this for granted. It warms my heart when my home is filled with people that I love, eating and sharing life together.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! What about my infamous peanut butter cookies?!? You know, with lemon?
