Carpe Septem Dies

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Week 7, Day 6

1.) Artist: Neko Case- I'm not sure how to categorize this artist, other than she's awesome. She has a really unique sound. Her voice in very intriguing, and I found myself looking up everything that I could find of hers. You can check out her website at The artists I checked out today were suggested by Dave Sandell, so thanks friend! I mostly listened to songs from her album "Blacklisted." I loved her songs "I Wish I Was the Moon Tonight" and "Runnin' Out of Fools." She's a power house! Amazing. Neko Case is also in a band called The New Pornographers, and they are also awesome. I listened to a little bit of their newest album "Together." It is a very different sound than Neko Case by herself, but still amazing.

2.) Artist: Arcade Fire- This group is classified as Indie, and they're from Canada. It's funny, I typed in Arcade Fire in and found this, which I thought was pretty impressive. Check it out: . The group performed "Neon Bible" in an elevator. Now, I think that's impressive. I think my favorite song I heard was from their album "Funerals" called "Rebellion (Lies)." Incredible group!

3.) Artist: Mumford & Sons- I looked up their biography on their main website and loved this: "Since they formed in December 2007, the members of Mumford & Sons have shared a commone purpose: to make music that matters, without taking themselves too seriously." You can check out the rest of their bio here at . I LOVED them. Maybe it's because of their accents (from West London), I don't know, but their music is great! I loved "Awake My Soul," "White Blank Page," "Sigh No More," and I could go on and on. This might be my favorite band all week! For serious.....check them out : )That's it for today! I am so sad that tomorrow is the last day of music week! It's gone by so fast...

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